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About California Challenge Foundation

The California Challenge Foundation seeks to support at-risk youth within Orange County communities. Our goal is to enhance the lives of at-risk youth through education, values, and life skills, resulting in youth who can succeed as productive citizens. The California Challenge Foundation provides resources for outdoor education, unique experiences, job placement opportunities, and funding.

National Guard Youth holding national and state flagsflags

Our past success includes the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program academies. The NGYCP was established in 1993 to provide an alternative program for youth who have dropped out of school or are not progressing in a traditional school setting. The ChalleNGe program offers participants the opportunity to change their futures by learning self discipline, leadership, and responsibility while working to obtain their high school diploma or equivalency. 179,000 cadets have graduated since 1993 and 60% of these graduates have earned their GED or high school diploma while in the program.

Sunburst Youth Academy, an NGYCP Academy, is a voluntary 22 week, residential, structured military-style program designed to assist at-risk youth between the ages of 15 ½ and 18. While in the program, participants receive instruction and support in 8 core components: Academic Excellence, Job Skills, Physical Fitness, Life Coping Skills, Leadership/Followership, Health and Hygiene, Service to the Community and Responsible Citizenship. Students can earn up to 65 high school credits in 5 ½ months which is comparable to a year's worth of credits at a traditional high school. Sunburst Youth Academy has been successful in helping at-risk youth turn their lives around by providing an alternative path to success and to help them become productive members of their communities.

Sunburst youth challenge academy logo
Graduates holding their diplomas
Cadets standing at attention in a couple rows

An additional NGYCP academy that the California Challenge Foundation has supported is California Job ChalleNGe. CAJC provides a 22 week, residential, military style academy for Youth ChalleNGe program graduates ages 17 ½ to 20. CAJC offers postsecondary career technical education (CTE) training, in partnership with Long Beach City College, that leads to service industry certificates in welding, construction, and automotive technology. Certified Nursing Assistant training is provided by The Nurses Development Center. Scholars can also receive concurrent high school education resulting in a diploma with support from the College and Career Preparatory Academy. CAJC has been instrumental in assisting at-risk youth with additional training to prepare them for sustainable employment.

California job challenge logo

Get in Touch

California ChalleNGe Foundation is a non-profit foundation affiliated with California Job ChalleNGe, which provides funding for career technical training and education for at-risk youth.



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Or checks can be mailed to:

California ChalleNGe Foundation
4122 Saratoga Avenue Building #20
Los Alamitos, CA 90720

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© 2023 California Challenge Foundation

The California Challenge Foundation is classified as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit
organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore any donation may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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